Hi, my name is Judy aka ‘Salsera54” and I am the owner of top Youtube Channel Tasb1998 with 49+ Million hits and the most popular Bachata video in the world: The Xtreme –Te Extrano video, plus a lot of other popular dancing videos.

Many people wonder how I made this happen. What did I do? Well here is my story…

When I recorded the video Te Extrano in 2008, never in my life did I imagine that it would become a milestone in the Bachata (and Latin) industry, make my YouTube channel as popular as it is right now and inspire International careers for Jorge and Tanja.  All of this happened through a simple idea I had, great dancing by two dancers that wanted the dream, timing, and one great love song by Xtreme.

How can I get a video to go viral?

Many people ask and wonder how did I get people to watch that video (The Extrano video by Ataca and La Alemana). Honestly, I think it was luck of the draw. A viral video is something that draws people’s attention to a video. No one knows what attracts people so much to make it a viral video. The people who search and look at videos determine what they like. Sometimes, it’s the song, other times, it’s the people, and mostly it’s what’s on the video. It’s obvious that “sexiness” sells and people love to see beautiful people. They are dancers, and Tanja we all know is very beautiful and has sex appeal. That is one thing that gets people to watch a video.

What did I do to target YT subscribers?

I searched for people who watch a lot of Bachata videos. I didn’t pick people from just the US. I picked people from all over the world: UK, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Italy, etc. probably about 500-600 YT watchers. Since I had a background of working with an old Salsa website called Salsa Dynasty. During that time, I interviewed several people from all over the world, artist’s such as: Jhesus Aponte, Nestor Manuelian, Tony Lara, Edwin Rivera, Jai Catalano,  Abel Pena and Zulmara Torres just for starts. That gave me a beginning base to send the video out to them and get their opinion on it. Once I realized that people liked the video, it got even more promotion and attention. It gave Jorge and Tanja opportunity to go and perform that routine. They also did their share of promoting the video; through their school they opened later on, the local fans, families and connections they had also. The video began to soar in the numbers and by the first year we had 1M hits, then 10M, 20 etc. to what it has achieved now which is 40M. Unbelievable!

What or how do I keep the video exclusive to my channel?

This is when things sometimes can get a little ugly and I had to do a lot of copyright infringements to keep the video solely under the TASB1998 channel. At the end of the day one must protect what they have.  The more I remove copies of my video the more hits that come to the video. Get it? It’s all about the numbers.

What else does Tasb1998 channel have to offer?

I have other bachata, salsa, and commercial videos on my page and some are very popular and some aren’t. It’s a hit or miss on these type of things. One can never expect anything to come from these videos I post. I always tell dancers, “Never expect anything, the fans will determine what they like to watch. I happen to have a great viral video that may have them explore my channel and see yours. If yours becomes the next hit, great, if not it could have been the timing of the video released, or the song?” Remember all those things come into factor always… Tasb1998 has 70 videos and it will continue to load great routines. What I look for is that “IT” factor in the routines. It has to catch my attention and at the same time give dancers opportunity to get feedback and see what people think. Hopefully, in future another video will gain momentum and I’ll get another viral video. If not, I’m fine with what I have. I love the fact that I have a channel that people come and look and comment on the videos.

Many ask me how to keep a video popular?

This is something that many people wonder about. Here is a secret of mine. It’s all about the comments. Having comments are great but not monitoring them may get dangerous. There are a lot of haters, pedophiles and crazies out there. Make sure you review comments and remove what may deem inappropriate. Allow criticism but not defaming or demoralizing. Especially in the beginning, when the video is recently posted. It’s imperative that you remove bad comments and only allow good ones. Never let people comment things of a sexual nature on a video because then you will get a full conversation about something very inappropriate. Keep it clean, and always monitor your comments. I recommend the “Approval of comments” option when you load a video. That way you see the comment before the world sees it.

I hope you will stop and check out my YT channel at http://www.youtube.com/tasb1998. More videos will be downloading in the near future. Please check out my most recent download of Juan & Josie doing their latest routine. It was a pleasure loading this video as it is my 2nd video coming from Australia. Tasb1998 is going International!  =))

I’d like to thank Juan Ruiz for giving me an opportunity to write this and share to the world my story of how TASB1998 got started. Many blessings to all!

Some of my videos on my channel