Last night was an amazing night! Sydney definitely saw some of the best Bachata dancing ever!
Congratulation to ALL of the couples for representing the Bachata lovers in Sydney and Australia!
1st Place: Nestor Manuelian & Katrina Quintal (second year in a row)
2nd Place: Santino Di Fede & Denisse Dimatatac
3rd Place: Felino Millare & Rebecca Vallejo
4th Place: Marc Ly & Efi Madentzoglu
The beauty of social dancing is that you can see the true “sabor” of the dancers, something that it is difficult to see on performances and shows. Social dancing is dancing in its pure form!
What a great night! Congratulations to ALL competitors
Couple number 0ne was ok too many turns, but they follow the rhythm and they have some flow. Couple number two Santino? that dude is a joke not even close this song is too big for him. Couple number 3 out of rhythm all the time really suck. couple four really really really bad, winnwe should be number one, I am sending this before the last couple dance.
Oh my god those judges are really bad judges “fraude” nestor can’t dance for crap they are the worst of the 4 couples.
Each one to their own opinion, Carlos. Im proud of all the couples that participated. It takes guts to be in front of an audience, perform a social dance and be judged by a panel of professional dancers whilst the audience is scramming and the cameras are rolling
Like it or not, competitions like this help to increase the awareness of Bachata and it’s popularity as well.
Well done to all the couples!
It’s one of the best piece of bachata I’ve ever seen… 🙂
I don’t claim any expertise but i checked out Carlos on You Tube and only found some shines. He had great footwork but almost no body movement. His hips, torso and shoulders stayed in almost a straight line. It looked more like moon walking than bachata.
I don’t know all of the competitors really well, but I don’t think that matters here.
Carlos? WTF? I think you should be careful of what and how you say things, mate.
I look to see what “Carlos Rufino” is like, because seriously, with comments like these and others I have now seen, I figure you must have been dancing Bachata in the womb and now you must be considered a Bachata God. Yet, to my absolute amazement, what do I see on the very first video of yours via your YouTube channel?
– You fall out of time, several times during the song. (And don’t tell me it was musicality… rubbish!)
– You are boring. Very – I have seen Bachata dancers from many different styles and you my friend are not a patch on even some Intermediate students I have seen.
– You have terrible leading skills. And I mean terrible. I have seen students follow different styles well when being lead by someone good… you my friend are not one of these people.
– You are a show pony. You give yourself turns, moves and “cool” things to do, while your partner is left to keep moving and smiling in an attempt to help make you look good. Your dancing seems only to serve yourself and your own pleasure. If self pleasure and satisfaction are what you seek, stay home, put some Bachata music on and indulge in some self love. At least then no one else has to put up with you. Bachata is for dancing to-ge-th-er… not just you dancing around her.
– Oh and before I forget – 1990 called and they want their fashion sense back. You’d think, that with all the money you MUST be making from your world class Bachata teachings, tours, congresses, workshops and performances, you could at least GO AND BUY SOME DAMNED JEANS THAT FIT YOU. You look dress like my old Uncle Michael – and he’s 78 years old.
All of this in the one video. I guess that’s why your video had 2,839 views and people like Jorge & Tanja have 28,021,840 views. Oh, I did watch one of your solo footwork videos too. It was nice, as far as it could be. You seem to have some nice moves & interpretations of the music – it’s just a pity you look like a tree stump doing it. Keep trying, you’ll get there one day and be a real dancer too.
Also, if you are going to use English to criticise and bad mouth people here, please learn more about it first. Hell, use Google translate if you have to. It’d still be better than the abominations you posted above. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for people learning & using new languages – I too in fact am learning some now – but I most certainly would not try and complain about someone, nor criticise their skills in any area in a language I am not familiar with. It has only served to highlight your ignorance of many things, with dancing being just one of them.
Now, do not ever grace these forums again and do not ever even think of coming to Australia. We have already informed Customs that you are to be arrested and shot on site for impersonating a good dancer.
Finally, I advise you to please pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow. It would stop you stealing oxygen from the rest of us, who actually put it to good use.
The rest of the Bachata World.
Now that is out of the way – congratulations to all of the couples. It is not easy getting out there and putting yourself in front of people to be judged, sometimes by your peers even.
Nestor – You and Katrina were, as always, great to watch.
Santino – always a pleasure watching you and Denisse dance.
All of the couples did really well. Entertaining, fun and such awesome variety in the styles. Loved watching it and loved seeing people dance some lovely Bachata.
It was a great night and a great competition all round. Congrats to the organisers. Looking forward to the next one. =)
To Astonished… AMEN! you made me laugh, and I’m sure you made a lot of people laugh!
Yes, it is indeed very funny, because this Carlos guy is a clown with a dirty mouth, and from seeing his videos, he obviously can’t dance Bachata to save his life!!
Thank you Astonished for putting in writing what many people in the Bachata community think of this clown.
Well done Astonished! LOVE LOVE LOVE your posts. I’m pretty sure that the rest of the Bachata Community well and truley backs you. I have seen this guy on Youtube even trash students work, STUDENTS who are just simply posting their performance because they are proud to have just had the confidence to have performed in the first place, students who only dance because they simply love it! He is disgusting!
And Carlos is most certainly NOT welcome here in Australia, not that someone like him and his “dance expertise” would ever get the opportunity to be paid to travel for it, so the chances of him coming is very few, thank god! There are some people in this world that are just soooo sad! And sometimes these people aren’t worth the time of even these posts. Not worth wasting my breath on this guy any further, no one in the Bachata community from around the world knows or respects this guy, thats enough said in itself…
Thanks Carlos, your posts are always entertaining. Keep em coming funny man!!
Having watched all the entries, I’d just like to congratulate the performers on excellent performances. (I loved the variety in the different dances)…
It can’t be easy competeting in such a busy environment, and I thought all a performer gave a really good showing…
Congrats Nestor & Katrina…a well-deserved win!! 🙂
Wow Astonished even I laught you are one funny dude you should do stand up comedy,lol. Well you will never see me in Australia why should I go there when I can go to my beautifull contry that so may people workship our music. It must be boring in that part of the world that you are trying to still our bachata. Claim all you want how much you love bachata or how good you are, and how much I suck but we are not the one trying to dance your music. And I do have great footwork thank you for noticing that is just a little sample of what I can do, and yes I dance for self pleasure like we all dominican do cause we love the music and understand it unlike you all that try but cant really do it like us. So keep dancing your fake bachata if it make you happy and remember that you will never dance like a dominican cause that is why bachata moderna, urmaba, bachatango and cronchata was invebted for people like you.
And Ellicia “Astonished! the Bachata Community well and truley backs you”
Of course you have to back him too that that all you can do follow thw flow not really be your own woman, well I am my own man and I can think for myself and not follow some looser that is telling me that this is how is done. Are you aware of heaven’s gate, Jim Jones Hittler, Bin Laden people follow those crazy people so for you to follow a fake bachatero is like taking a walk in the park. If I want it to get pay to travel to do workshops all I had to do is go alone with Juan and Rodney Aquino they was my first victim, but I just could go alone with that fake bachata.
5 weeks and counting……………………..
octubre 5 nadie te has visitado
Mister Carlos, he estado tan ocupado con otros projects, organizando varios eventos nacionales. La verdad que necesito poner mas articulos en el website para continuar con la Bachata promotion.
Si quieres ayudar, deberias escribir un articulo
Aaww Mr Carlos Rufino, haven’t seen you in a while and have actually only seen this article so apologies on the late reply.
Carlos, I take my hat off to you as you have grown to be world famous, albeit not for your dancing but famous nonetheless, and one man once said that any publicity is good publicity.
You know Carlos, you may be onto something too as I have watched this TV show in the UK called “An Idiot Abroad” and it’s funny because this guy travels around the world and comes out with the most random and useless information, therefore with your new found fame I think you would make a great candidate for the American version of the show, and how awesome would it be if they did a Bachata version, so you could go around the world to all the Bachata festivals with a camera crew following you and capturing all the randomness that comes out of your mouth. I can tell you now, I would definitely tune in and watch that program 🙂
Peace Carlos, always a pleasure my friend.