I like my Bachata as much as I like my wine… Now, let me explain why bring the topic of wine here. Recently, I’ve seen, and I’ve been involved on a lot of conversations about the different styles of Bachata, which style is the authentic, more popular, why the different styles, etc.

So, why wine? What I like about wine is the different types of wine out there. You don’t only choose between red or white wine (sparkling or rose), you get to choose from the vast amount of different reds, or whites, etc.

For me, I prefer white wine, however, I’m more of a Riesling person (sweet and smooth) than of Chardonnay (fruity and dry). But most important, whilst I have my favorite wine(s), I enjoy tasting all the other ones.

Same goes for my Bachata. Whilst some people prefer the Dominican or more traditional Bachata, I’m more inclined to the Urban Latin Bachata (also called Bachata Pop) – but that’s my own preference.

Thanks goodness for the different types of Bahata music and Bachata dancing styles out there! Imagine if there was only one kind of wine… Yeah… After a while, it would be very boring to have the same wine over and over again; you will get so used to the taste that you will most likely try another type of liquor (and potentially forget about wine). Or even, imagine that the only type of wine out there is not of your liking; you will never order wine anymore!

Whilst I prefer the Bachata Moderna style, I do enjoy dancing a Dominican or Traditional Bachata as well, and most important, as a Bachata instructor / promoter, I need to dance other styles of Bachata as it opens my horizons to new techniques or fundamentals. Going back to the wine analogy, you drink red wine with red meat… You dance Dominican style to an Anthony Santos, Frank Reyes‘ bachata AND you’ll dance Moderna style to a Prince Royce, Aventura song

I think I have made my point here. I am the type of person that likes variety in live, hence, I love all the different styles of Bachata! I want to taste the different flavors and styles of Bachata, I want to be inspired by all those instructors that showcase the traditional style of Bachata as well as the instructors that like to innovate and push the boundaries of Bachata.

Lastly, I do recommend that after a good Bachata dance, you should enjoy a good glass of wine!