According to Juan’s girlfriend, Josie, this is what he is: “the sexiest man on Earth“. This was no longer a secret as we all found this out in a full house at Brisbane City Hall on the Saturday night performances at the Salsa and Brazilian Dance Congress in June 2009. The tell-tale was Luda Kroitor from Dancing with the Stars 2008 (Australia version).
The funny thing was that one of our male friends told me: “If I was a girl I’d do him” 🙂 that is the kind of power he exudes.
You want to know how? It is just by loving life! That is what you see in sexy guys. They are in love with life and love being in their own skin. The same is valid for dancers, when they love the dancing, more than anything, is when they look “top of the world”.
There is a thin line here though: narcissist and self absorbed and loving to show off their dance doesn’t make anyone sexier… can you see the difference? It is not about how you LOOK. It is how you FEEL. It’s about people that dance the same way when alone in a room, on a stage or a packed dance floor.
Sexy dancers are the ones that are totally in connection with their partners when doing a couple dance (i.e. Salsa and Bachata), not with themselves. They look at their partner’s eyes now and then (no freakish starring, please) and really dance with them even when doing individual steps like styling or shines.
If you do partner dancing, have you ever gone for a whole night of dancing with one person? If not, you have to do it. Find a way! It is one of those “dreams come true” experiences of life. I’ve done it a few times and I wasn’t romantically involved with these partners, and it was simply delicious. I imagine that if there is a romance it must be even better.
The rules are:
- It doesn’t need to be the best dancer on earth or the prettiest girl or the most amazing guy, or Brad Pitt, or Angie… Don’t wait for heaven on Earth to make it happen. Do it now! All you need is a dance partner. Someone that moves like you do. Even if the guy doesn’t know all the moves or the girl is still learning, it doesn’t matter, as long as you like dancing with each other.
(I once danced a whole night with a guy that danced something, God knows what, but it wasn’t salsa. Everyone else was dancing salsa and it was a salsa night, with salsa music. It was the best salsa night of my life even though I never did one “cross body lead”!) - You dance with each other the whole night, all dances, all songs, all styles you are keen, and all songs that you like. One or two dances with someone else may be permitted, no more than that. You can rest when necessary or when melting, but not often.
- The “high profile” guys will have to deal with the disappointed crowd. I know that there are more ladies than guys in the dance scene, and because of that, the men start thinking they are god’s emissaries to the dance floor. They feel the power, they love having all the girls asking them to dance. But they will have to get over it, they will have to say no on this special night, find an excuse if needed; and dance with one partner. I promise it will be well worth it.
You know that sensation that we have as if the girl’s brain cells could listen to the guy’s? For example, when he is thinking of turning his hips that way hers are already on their way? He is still thinking which side he is going to lead her next turn but she already knows his decision? This is the goal. This is what you achieve at the end of the night. You lose the anxiety of knowing who you are going to dance with next, what kind of moves they will do, which song, and just enjoy dancing.
You will FEEL, on this night, that you have turned into the sexiest man or woman on Earth!
Written by – ‘Louca por Bachata’ Tania Crivellenti. Tania’s blog: The dancing bug. You can find Tania at various latin venues, LDA and facebook!
NOTE: Juan did not persuade Tania to write this article, neither he asked to be called the sexiest man on earth, but… I do like it though 🙂