Now that everybody is talking about 4Ever and their visit to Australia for the Sydney Bachata Festival, we had the opportunity to talk to 4Ever and get to known them better.

Here’s the exclusive interview. ENJOY!

Bachateros: Can you introduce yourself and your relationship with the band?
My name is Delvis, I’m the youngest in the group, and people think I’m shy, but I’m not and on stage I’m super explosive. I ‘m the one that choreograph most of the songs. I try to mix Bachata and Urban style dancing. I love my fans, and my relationship with the rest of the group is very strong. I have a great relationship with these guys, and we have good communication, and I consider them part of my family.

My name is Luis I’m the oldest in the group and the most responsible one (just kidding). I sing leads and choruses; I’m energetic on and off stage. I’m known to be sexual on stage, maybe it’s because I get so excited. The guys (4ever) are like my brothers and like a family we are here for each other through thick and thin.

My name is Inoel, I sing lead vocals, and I write many of our songs. I’m very emotional and I try to express some of my emotions through the lyrics I write. I love the music business, it gives me a chance to meet new people and share my creativity with the world. It’s truly a blessing to be a part of this group. These guys are like my brothers and I enjoy every single moment we spend together.

My name is Eidan and I also choreograph, sing leads and write songs. I’m the dark skinned one with the designs on his face. I would definitely say that I wouldn’t change a thing about my fellow members in this group or our manager (Derek Deler). I love the whole experience of recording music and performing it. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Bachateros: Can you tell us how 4Ever started? I’m sure it was more than just “let’s get together and sing”

The way we started was very special. We all knew each other from the same neighborhood. Eidan and, I (Inoel) went to school together, we knew each other since first grade, Luis and I met in the basketball courts of Lawrence Massachusetts, and Eidan, Delvis, and Luis trained in the same boxing gym. The first time we got together to do music was at “The Latin School of music and arts”. We all started to attend church together and sang in the choir. Derek Deler our manager worked as a recording engineer at The Latin school of music and arts” and propose to make us into a band, we accepted his offer, and became 4ever. “That’s the short version of the story” LOL!

Bachateros: ha ha ha, i like the short version of the story. Now tell me, how are you guys able to create such a unique style of Bachata? Where do you get your influences from?

Our influences and unique style have a lot to do with how we grew up. Listening to artist like Boyz2men, New Edition, Marc Anthony, Raulin Rodriguez, JuanLuis Guerra and Michael Jackson show why 4ever in a force to be reckoned with. We believe we encompass everything these artist represent. 4ever is 4 Latinos with 4-part harmony, Latin soul, and explosive dances. Our voices are our instruments, and that is why 4-part harmony is a big part of what we do. We hope that our music is influencing other young artist.
Bachateros: and also, where does the name 4Ever comes from? Let me tell you, it is very catchy!
Yes, we couldn’t agree with you more, Derek Deler (manager) came up with that name, and we immediately loved it because it represents who and what we are. We know each other 4ever, we would like our music to last 4ever, the group consist of 4 members, we sing 4-part harmony and like you said it’s catchy.

Bachateros: Now the name 4Ever makes a lot more sense. Great name! From your direct exposure to the Bachata fans, how do you see the growth of Bachata around the world? What are your predictions of this beautiful style?

We Believe that Bachata is like the Latin version of Blues music, and you know the blues influenced all styles like Rock, R&B and many others. We think Bachata will do the same, and it already has, look at Reggaeton. Bachata is spreading like a virus. The growth of Bachata around the world is amazing people of all cultures are adopting it, and we are proof of that as well “Los Boricuas De La Bachata” – think about it! The Bachata movement has grown extremely and more than anything very fast. It’s a beautiful genre of music, very simple, melodic, rhythmic and catchy. We truly feel that Bachata can grow even more, and 4ever will be at the forefront. With our loyal fan base we know this to be possible.

Bachateros: People are very excited here in Australia about you guys coming. 4Ever will be the first ever Bachata band to come to the land down under. What can you tell to the Australia fans, what can we expect?

Well, first of all we feel very excited and honoured to be the first. We know that the wait will be worth it. You can expect from us the unexpected; I mean our shows are very explosive, romantic, sensual, and full of energy. We sing 4-part harmony, we dance, and the fans participate in our show. It’s going to be fun, believe that! Australia will witness Bachata first hand with 4ever, and we will bring music as the messengers of this style.

Bachateros: We can wait, it will be great for sure! Now, what are your next plans for 2009?

Our plans for 2009 include the release of the album, filming a music video for the single, continuing the world tour (of course with Australia as our number 1 visit), and continue to spread Bachata. 2009 has already been exciting we have participated in many huge events like Calle 8 Miami, Toronto Canada and others. This year, we plan to go on a promotional radio and TV tour to compliment the release of our album.

Bachateros: Any final words to your fans here in Australia? How can people find more about you? Your website? Where can fans buy your music?

We want to let our fans know that 4ever is going to bring them an experience like no other, and We want to thank them for supporting our music. It’s a very humbling experience to know that you have fans in a country we never ever visited and where our music is making an impact. We are going to make them feel like the wait was well worth it. To find more about 4ever’s tour dates, new pic’s, videos, Bio’s, and new music visit us at, on You Tube, and on ou.

Catch you 4Ever getting ready for Australia

Written by –  Juan Ruiz. Juan is the director of Bachateros Online Magazine and a bachata instructor, pioneer of the Bachata Moderna style. He’s also one of the organizers of the Sydney International Bachata Festival.