Title: Latin Paradise at Latin Motion
Location: Latin Motion Dance studios
Link out: Click here

Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2009-03-21

Description: Latin Paradise will be held at Sydenham Studio on the 21st March.

Get ready to have a great night out on the best dance floor in Sydney with our Latin Paradise monthly social. Dance to the best in Salsa, Bachata & Zouk and be entertained with our special performance!

This Latin Paradises special performance is our Star – Latin Motion Senior Kids!

Also be there for your chance to win one of 2 full event passes to the Latin & Brazilian Dance Congress at Brisbane… just by being there!

Beginners Workshop: FREE Bachata beginners workshops at 7.30pm with Juan Ruiz!

Party starts at 8.30pm – 12pm

Location: Latin Motion Sydenham Studio
47 – 51 Unwins Bridge Road
Sydenham NSW 2044

See you on the dance floor… Latin Motions dance floor!